I just read Dooley and the Snortsnoot. It is by Jack Kent and the book is 27 pages long. I finished it on Sept. 13, 2010. It is about a boy giant who wants to be big like his father and mother. When Dooley goes to town to try and scare people, he ends up saving a friend and growing big.
I think that the author wrote this book because he wants to teach kids how to be brave and stand up for yourself, even if it has consequences. For example, Dooley saved Trina, even though he knew the consequence was getting hurt. But instead, Dooley grew into a big giant. I think the point of being a giant is not how big you are in size but in courage.
I like this book because it is funny and charming. I would recommend this book to little kids because I think the younger you are, the more you think is funny. If sixth graders thought this book was funny, then kindergartners would really get a laugh!
Count it!